Francis nameplates
PIP-006 • by Planet IndustrialsThese nameplates are produced exclusively for the Planet Industrials Kerr, Stuart 'Victory' in 1/76 scale.
They are etched in brass by Custom Nameplate Studio. Before removing from the etch, apply enamel paint to the face of the nameplate being careful to avoid the edges of the etched plate. Turn the plate upside down on a piece of clean card or stiff paper, press firmly and slide the plate across the surface, removing paint from the raised surfaces. Turn back over and leave to dry. Cut plate out using fret snips or a sharp blade against a hard surface and clean up tabs with fine emery or wet and dry paper. Apply using satin varnish or a gel type superglue. Apply a couple of small drops of the adhesive with the end of a pin or thin wire. Place the plate in position using tweezers.