Bagnall saddle tank
NPL-010 • by Narrow PlanetAbout the kit
Back by popular demand and relaunched for 2023 on a new type of chassis.
This kit is comprised of a 3D printed plastic body shell and a fret of etched nickel silver detail parts. Minimal folding of these parts is required and they can all be glued in place.
The body is designed to fit on the Bachmann Thomas range N gauge ‘Percy’ 0-4-0 steam loco chassis.
Download full instructions (PDF)
Please note this is a scale model for adult collectors, and not intended for children under 14 years of age.
Prototype Info
W.G. Bagnall Ltd's Castle Engine Works in Stafford turned out its ubiquitous narrow gauge saddle tank locomotives over many decades from the turn of the 20th century. From industrial concerns across the UK ranging from quarries to breweries and then abroad during the war, many survived to be re-sold and found use across the globe and as far away as India and Japan.
The Narrow Planet model represents a generic example and includes details that allow the modeller to replicate many different prototypes, and its simple construction rewards careful assembly and provides the modeller a good basis for further detailing if they so desire.